Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Buyer Beware - Phadid Entertainment

I am not calling this a scam, just yet, just a VERY bad experience where we paid for a service that was never rendered and cannot get our money back.
Scalise Marine and Your Ship Store entered into a verbal contract with Phadid Entertainment and WOWFX3D to help our websites get more traffic / interaction.  The owner, Drac Gibson, seems to be a very knowledgeable guy and had a bevy of great ideas to freshen up the look of our sites and add a video overlay to them.  Great sales pitch, brilliant ideas…zero results.
Worse, our original meeting took place on April 17th, 2014 and after months of waiting; Drac blamed us for the delays.  Not once were we informed that we were the bottleneck, he just waited until we asked about progress to start pointing fingers and passing blame.  We again met on July 7th to rehash the details and get everything back on track.  As our shopping cart software works on a template system, we purchased a template for Drac and supplied him with the instructions for modifying it.  All seemed well but still no progress or communications from Drac, except to respond to our inquiries with excuses.  We have never received any part of the service we paid for.  Now Mr. Gibson is to the point where he no longer responds to our inquiries.
We cannot make contact with Drac and we are out just over $3000. My partner thinks Drac is a con artist, I am still in the mindset that he is just a terrible business person.
#PhadidEntertainment #WOWFX3D #DracGibson #RodneyGibson #BuyerBeware